I am susceptible to spells of consumer rigor mortis. 我对消费僵死的咒语非常敏感。
Rigor mortis usually sets in between two and four hours after death. 尸僵通常在死后2至4小时内出现。
Free Ca2+ plays an important role during the process of meat rigor mortis. 游离钙离子在肌肉僵直化过程中起着至关重要的作用。
A wholesale renegotiation of the covenant between limited partners ( the investors) and general partners ( the managers), on both existing and future funds, needs to take place or paralysis may turn into rigor mortis for some of the existing players. 现有及未来基金的有限合伙人(投资者)与普通合伙人(基金管理人)有必要就双方之间的契约彻底重新谈判,否则,对于某些现有的参与者来说,停滞可能会转化成死亡。
Rigidity is a sign of rigor mortis. 坚硬是一种僵尸的表现。
How do you feel, hand? He asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis. “手啊,你觉得怎样呢?”他问那只僵硬得几乎跟死尸一样的抽筋的手。
He asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis. 他问那只抽筋的手,它僵直得几乎跟死尸一般。
"How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis." I'll eat some more for you. " “手啊,你感觉怎么样?”他问那只抽筋的手,它僵直得几乎跟死尸一般。“我为了你再吃一点儿。”
Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations. 早期尸僵和迅速自溶解提醒必须迅速进行剖检。
Rigor mortis, pallor, rot& these too can be sources of exquisite sensation. 死后僵硬,惨败,腐坏&这些同样能成为精美绝伦的感受的源泉。
It's better to move and get things done than to let organizational rigor mortis set in. 这是更好地移动,让事情,而不是让组织尸僵做一套英寸。
Seasonal variations in rigor mortis of cultured freshwater fish 几种淡水养殖鱼死后僵硬的季节变化
The basic biochemical process for the formation of rigor mortis is the same as that of muscle contraction except that the former happens postmortem and the latter antemortem. 尸僵形成的基本生化过程与肌肉收缩是一致的,不同的是前者发生在死后,后者发生在生前。
Conclusion The length of sarcomere is negatively correlative to the intensity of rigor mortis. Measuring the length of sarcomere can determine the intensity of rigor mortis and provide evidence for estimation of time since death. 结论肌节长度与尸僵强度呈负相关,说明肌节长度可确定尸僵强度,从而为推断死亡时间提供依据。
Results The length of sarcomere of rigor mortis without destory is obviously shorter than that of restiffening. 结果死后未破坏的尸僵肌节的长度明显小于尸僵再形成时的长度。